PAD - Prescribing Advisory Database
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PAD Profile : Methylphenidate hydrochloride - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Children 6-17yrs

Keywords :
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD,
Brand Names Include :
Concerta XL, Delmosart, Equasym XL, Medikinet XL, Matoride XL, Xenidate XL, Xaggitin XL, Ritalin XL, Metyrol XL, Affenid XL, Meflynate XL, Ritalin , Medikinet, Tranquilyn,

Traffic Light Status

Status 1 of 2.

Status :
Formulations :
  • Modified release tablets
Important Information :
Prescribe by brand. Xaggitin XL, Xenidate XL and Delomsart are the locally agreed brands.
Trust Alignment :
Primary Care
Links :
Comments :
No comments returned.
Documents :

Status 2 of 2.

Status :
Formulations :
  • Immediate release tablets
Important Information :
Prescribe immediate release tablets generically
Trust Alignment :
Primary Care
Links :
Comments :
No comments returned.
Documents :


No guidelines returned.

Other Drugs

Other Indications

No indications returned.

Additional Documents

Committee Recommendations

Committee Name
04 October 2023
Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System Area Prescribing Committee (APC)

Shared Care arrangements for children and adolescents with ADHD are in place with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Guildford & Waverley, North West Surrey and Surrey Downs have agreed a Locally Commissioned Service (LCS) for practices entering into the shared care agreement with Surrey & Borders Partnership. The LCS supports the provision of an annual physical medication review by the GP (with an annual review by the specialist so that the patient continues to receive a 6-monthly review in accordance with the product license)
See below for a copy of the Shared care with LCS agreement

There is also a non-LCS shared care agreement that remains unchanged and is available for all non-LCS participating practices (see shared care agreement below)

05 April 2023
Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System Area Prescribing Committee (APC)

The Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System Area Prescribing Committee have agreed the addition of Xaggitin XL® to the preferred brands of Methylphenidate modified release preparations.

Xaggitin XL® is a bioequivalent preparation to Concerta® and adding Xaggitin XL® to the recommended list of products will reduce the risk of disruption to treatment should stock shortages recur.

Xaggitin XL®, Delmosart and Xenidate XL have an AMBER traffic light status and are the preferred alternatives to Concerta®.

Other brands; Matoride XL and Concerta® XL will not be non-formulary but, it is anticipated that these brands will not be initiated by Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust moving forwards.

NB : This guidance does not apply to other strengths of modified release methylphenidate (including Equasym XL® and Medikinet XL® brands) as these have different release characteristics.

The SABP letter to GPs notes that this switch can be undertaken in primary care but ideally switches should be undertaken with direct contact with patients (face to face). Communications should be done according to individual patient requirements. 

Patients may be under the care of other  providers, therefore it may be appropriate to discuss with them before making a switch. 

02 November 2022
Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System Area Prescribing Committee (APC)

Stock shortages for some methylphenidate modified-release preparations are being reported nationally.

A memo has been produced by SABP to assist prescribers in identifying methylphenidate preparations with similar release profiles to facilitate the use of alternative brands while the shortages continue. See document "ADHD Medication shortage..."

Associated BNF Codes

04. Central Nervous System
04.04.00. CNS stimulants and drugs used for ADHD
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