PAD - Prescribing Advisory Database
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PAD Profile : Omega-3-acid ethyl esters - Raised triglycerides

Keywords :
Omega 3 fatty acids, fish oils
Brand Names Include :
Omacor, Maxepa, Teromeg, A1 Omega, Eicosapentaenoic acid

Traffic Light Status

Status 1 of 1.

Status :
Formulations :
  • Capsules
Important Information :
Prescribing in Primary Care may continue for EXISTING patients with high triglycerides (> 5.6 mmol per litre) until their review with the lipidologist has taken place.
Trust Alignment :
Primary Care
Links :
Comments :
No comments returned.
Documents :


No guidelines returned.

Other Drugs

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Other Indications

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Additional Documents

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Committee Recommendations

Committee Name
01 May 2024
Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System Area Prescribing Committee (APC)

The Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System Area Prescribing Committee (APC) approves the following in relation to prescribing of Omega 3 for raised triglycerides in primary care in line with NHSE guidance:

Omega 3 will be given a RED traffic light status.

Patients prescribed Omega 3 in primary care will be reviewed as follows:

  • Patients who meet the NICE guidance for Icosapent Ethyl should be switched to this treatment.
  • Patients that don't have high triglycerides (< 5.6 millimoles per litre) should be deprescribed.
  • Patients with high triglycerides should be referred to secondary care for review of Omega 3 prescribing and, if a clinical need is identified, should continue treatment with prescribing by the lipidologists. Prescribing should continue in primary care until that appointment has taken place.
10 January 2018
Surrey & North West Sussex Area Prescribing Committee (formerly Prescribing Clinical Network)
The Prescribing Clinical Network does not recommend the use of omega-3 fatty acid compounds for any indication other than: • Patients with raised triglycerides for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia as an option when triglycerides are not controlled by statins or fibrates – considered GREEN 3rd line on the traffic light system (as per November 2012 recommendation & ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of Dyslipidaemia (2016) - in key considerations see policy statement below) • Bipolar disorder (adolescents) – considered RED on the traffic light system • Treatment resistant psychosis – considered RED on the traffic light system Omega-3 Fatty Acid Compounds will be considered BLACK on the traffic light system for all other indications and prescribers should: • NOT initiate Omega 3 fatty acids compounds in any new patients; AND • De-prescribe this treatment in all patients, in line with NHS England guidance.

Associated BNF Codes

02. Cardiovascular System
02.12.00. Lipid-regulating drugs
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