PAD - Prescribing Advisory Database
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Guidelines : Vaccinations

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Other Drugs

Committee Recommendations

Committee Name
05 April 2017
Surrey Medicines Commissioners Group
In April 2017 the MCG issued a statement in relation to vaccinations that are not approved for routine use on the NHS for TRAVEL purposes. Hep B, combined Hep A&B and Men ACWY were of specific mention and are not locally recommended for travel This statement is available below and is supported by a briefing issued by PrescQIPP.
01 July 2015
Surrey Medicines Commissioners Group
The MCG approved the content of the Vaccine Payment Claim guidance. The document denotes whether vaccine payment claims should be made via FP34, FP10 or are not to be claimed i.e. where vaccine is supplied free of charge via ImmForm. NOTE - individual CCGs may have a policy in relation to the provision of Hep B and Men ACWY for travel - see below for individual CCG policies where applicable
06 January 2016
NW Surrey Medicines Optimisation Group
LOCAL AGREEMENT for NWS CCG - prescribing advice re travel vaccines in particular Hep B and Meningococcal ACWY
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