PAD - Prescribing Advisory Database
PLEASE NOTE : This is a development system.

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Search Results : Schizophrenia (Zuclopenthixol decanoate depot injection - Schizophrenia and other psychoses)

Records returned : 0 (on 11 Mar 2025 at 11:41:49). Return to search results for ' Schizophrenia '.

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For information about the icons and status values within this site, please refer to the keys below.

Icon/Links Key

Non formulary
Not assessed for formulary status. Apply to APC / DTC before use.
Controlled drug. Prescribing and/or storage requirements may apply
Restrictions apply
Safety Alert
Unlicensed - no UK marketing license in place
Off-label use. Not licensed for this indication.
Treatment commissioned by NHS England
Treatment commissioned by the ICB
BlueTeq form to be completed

Traffic Light Status Key

Specialist ONLY drugs - treatment initiated and continued by specialist clinicians
Prescribing initiated and stabilised by specialist but has potential to transfer to primary care under a formal shared care agreement
GPs (or non-medical prescribers in primary care) are able to take full responsibility for initiation and continuation of prescribing.
Now referred to as "Non Formulary" but some BLACK drugs remain pending review. Not recommended for use in any health setting across Surrey and NW Sussex health economy.
Amber Star
Now referred to as "Blue" but some Amber Star drugs remain pending review. Prescribing initiated and stabliised by specialist but has potential to transfer to primary care WITHOUT a formal shared care agreement. Please note that in some circumstances a specialist may recommend that prescribing can be started in primary care.
Green (see narrative)
GPs (or non-medical prescribers in primary care) are able to take full responsibility for initiation and continuation of prescribing. Please refer to the narrative on the Drug Profile page where additional information may be conveyed as to the place in therapy or restrictions for use that have been locally agreed.
Non Formulary
Not recommended for use in any health setting across Surrey and NW Sussex health economy. (Formerly BLACK traffic light status)
See Below
Please add a description.
Please add a description.
Prescribing initiated and stabilised by specialist but has potential to transfer to primary care WITHOUT a formal shared care agreement. Please note that in some circumstances a specialist may recommend that prescribing can be started in primary care.
Green - Black
Now referred to as "Do not initiate in new patients" but some GREEN/BLACK drugs remain pending review. These drugs are NOT for new initiations (BLACK, (now referred to as Non Formulary)) but prescribing for existing patients may continue (GREEN). Please refer to the narrative on the Drug Profile page for further information if required.
See narrative
See narrative - is applied in instances where there may be more than one traffic light status for a drug. This occurs when the traffic light status may differ between specific cohorts of patients e.g. those of childbearing potential and those who are not (in the case of sodium valproate)
Do not initiate in new patients
These drugs are NOT for new initiations (Non Formulary) but prescribing for existing patients may continue (GREEN). Please refer to the narrative on the Drug Profile page for further information if required. (Formerly GREEN/BLACK traffic light status)
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